Competition Program

TENTATIVE SCHEDULE OF (changes are possible)
VІ International Folk Instruments Performers Competition
«Art-Dominanta – 2018»
Детальний розклад конкурсних прослуховувань, зокрема, час, місце проведення (як і чим дістатися), порядок виступів конкурсантів (солістів/ансамблів/оркестрів) по кожній номінації та віковій категорії, буде опубліковано на сайті (меню – Програма) та на сторінці у Facebook не пізніше ніж за три тижні до початку Конкурсу.

11th April (Wednesday)
Grand Opening (Kharkiv Philarmonic)

12th April (Thursday)
І, II, III categories – pupils of aesthetic education schools (schools for the arts)
IV category – teachers of aesthetic education schools (schools for the arts)
II category – teachers of aesthetic education schools (schools for the arts)
Announcement of the Results. Award Ceremony.

13th April (Friday)
І category – pupils of aesthetic education schools (schools for the arts)
All categories
Announcement of the Results. Award Ceremony.
VII category (1 Round) – students, graduate students, assistants and interns of specialized musical universities (III-IV level of accreditation)

14th April (Saturday)
V category – students of secondary-special music educational institution (universities of I-II levels of accreditation)
ІІІ category – students of secondary-special music educational institution (universities of I-II levels of accreditation)

15th April (Sunday)
VI category – students of musical-pedagogical departments of universities (III-IV level of accreditation):
VII category (2 Round) – students, graduate students, assistants and interns of specialized musical universities (III-IV level of accreditation):
IV category – students of musical-pedagogical departments of universities (III-IV level of accreditation):
V category – students, graduate students, assistants and interns of specialized musical universities (III-IV level of accreditation):
Announcement of the Results. Award Ceremony.
Closing Ceremony of the Competition